By improving your mood, scents actually improve your health. They can also improve productivity and physical performance and create a restful environment.
It’s a “smell” world after all. So I follow my nose one balmy afternoon and it leads me to the launch of Scentsmith Perfumery’s first store at the second level of Greenbelt 5, Makati City.
A scent of excitement wafts through the air as I smell my way through bottle after bottle of fragrance dangling smack under my nose. There are more bottles carefully laid out on tables with the fragrance’s corresponding flower. I’m instantly drawn to the pink magnolia and I’m simply tickled pink! Now, don’t be deceived by this dainty flower — it actually boasts healing powers, such as improving respiratory health, detoxifying the body, reducing stress, and even preventing cancer.
I just love the calming, soothing scent of lavender, too! Ladies, did you know that lavender eases pre-period symptoms? And that it helps with migraine and insomnia because it’s so relaxing? Why, it could be your vitamin zzzzz! To all ye insomniacs out there, a whiff of jasmine could bring bedded bliss, too.
And then there’s peppermint, which de-stresses by decreasing levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, as well as reduces fatigue and chocolate cravings — a handy alternative next time you feel like reaching out for your stash of chocolate bars.